Fun Map

There's only one fun map...

If you didn't try editing yet, you should

I, Harry Wood, have registered

Here I will be having some fun with OpenStreetMap. Actually I've moved some map fun over to maps bit on my homepage instead

Here we have some other bits and bobs which are all mothballed if not broken:

NameCheck - List of strange long 'name' tag values in OpenStreetMap, and how we're progressing with fixing them.

Rewired state hack - Interface on top of an API for finding nearest hospitals and registry offices. My little hack for Nation Hack the Government Day.

London Mapping Parties Map - All the different locations where we had mapping parties over the summer 2009 and 2008

Various old map displays as part of the CloudMade's 250 cities project to help finding and fixing some high priority issues with U.S. TIGER data. Please note these are no longer updated: Routability, Tortuous routes, Duplicate nodes motorways, Duplicate nodes on other major roads.